My name is Denise and I live in Central Florida. I am a fan of all things Disney and Central Florida as well as enjoying travel, especially cruises. I am passionate about sharing experiences with others, especially now that I’m ‘over 50’. I truly believe 50 is the new 30 and strive to live life to the fullest.
My story began in England, where I lived until I relocated to the US in the late ’90’s when I got married. Unfortunately the marriage did not last, but my love of the USA began. I lived in South Florida, with it’s vibrant lifestyle and beautiful beaches, palm trees and glistening ocean for several years before moving to Central Florida/ Orlando in 2004 with my, then 6 year old, daughter Sasha. Being a single Mom was not something I planned for but I think I did ok – I’d give myself a grade A+ based on how Sasha has turned out, but that’s another story!
I am a recruiter which has allowed me the opportunity to help hundreds of people find satisfying careers over more than 2 decades. While I love my job, I’ve always wanted to be able to share more about this wonderful life I lead in Central Florida, as well as some of the challenges and fun of growing older in a city where there is so much to do it makes my head spin! So, welcome to my blog. Here you will find facts and fun about the amazing things I have the opportunity do and try, places I visit and, most importantly, my adventures in Disney! Join me on this journey into midlife and let’s see what a magical time it can be!